
The Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation (GCHU) at Kellogg College, the University of Oxford, is conducting our research, which involves three phases of evidence gathering; a systematic scoping review led by Dr Georgia Richards, a Call for Evidence, and Expert Workshops led by Dr Juliet Carpenter.

Scoping review

The scoping review assessed published evidence for creating healthy cities by systematically searching four databases for academic literature.

The aim of the review was to identify evidence on factors that impacted the health and wellbeing of those living and working in cities and to identify interventions that may improve the health of city populations. To make this evidence accessible, the findings of the review were used to develop the Healthy Cities Toolkit.

Our study protocol for the review was pre-registered here and is openly available here

Call for Evidence

The Call for Evidence welcomed submissions from all stakeholders, including practitioners and citizens/users of services in cities. It was open between June and September 2021 and the submissions can be found here.

Expert Workshops

Dr Juliet Carpenter held four virtual Expert Workshops in Spring 2022, where expert stakeholders discussed emerging findings from the Commission’s work and potential recommendations.